Shore International2023-10-12T17:42:47+00:00Nidhi Narebookshoreinternational@gmail.comOpen Monograph Press<p><strong>Book Shore International</strong> is an open access platform for publication of your books. We are one of the fastest upcoming publication house in India and abroad. Book Shore International is providing the opportunity to the self-publishing authors to fulfil their dream of being published. Book Shore International supports the open access practices for publication of the monographs and edited volumes.</p> SYSTEM IN UZBEKISTAN DURING THE SOVIET REGIME (1950S-1980S)2023-10-12T17:29:41+00:00Karimov Azizbek<p>The Republic of Uzbekistan has completed its 32-year history of independence and is still taking steps on this path. "We all know very well what difficult times and difficult trials there have been in the thousand-year history of the Uzbek people. It is this past rich in trials, this inexhaustible culture that encourages the Uzbek people to take a step towards a great and bright future, to overcome difficulties and trials and unites them on the path of common goals. After all, as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev said: "The most recent history of Uzbekistan and the universal achievements we have achieved, our brave and tenacious people are able to overcome any difficulties, obstacles and trials with their strength and gives a full reason to say that he is capable.</p> <p> </p>2023-10-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Karimov Azizbek Avazbekovich OF BUKHARA DURING THE TIME OF EMIR NASRULLAH2023-10-12T17:37:14+00:00Karimov Azizbek<p>After the independence of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek people had the opportunity to rediscover their rich and ancient history. "We all know very well what difficult times and difficult trials there have been in the thousand-year history of the Uzbek people. It is this past rich in trials, this inexhaustible culture that encourages the Uzbek people to take a step towards a great and bright future, to overcome difficulties and trials and unites them on the path of common goals. After all, as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev said: "The most recent history of Uzbekistan and the universal achievements we have achieved, our brave and tenacious people are able to overcome any difficulties, obstacles and trials with their strength and will." gives a full reason to say that he is capable.<a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1"></a></p> <p> </p>2023-10-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Karimov Azizbek Avazbekovich DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR2023-10-12T17:42:47+00:00Karimov Azizbek<p>n the process of reforms implemented in all aspects of socio-political, cultural and spiritual life of independent Uzbekistan, the role of the science of history is seriously increasing in fulfilling the tasks of educating members of the society who have free thinking and are instilled in the mind and heart of the national idea. History "... is becoming a true teacher of the nation. The deeds and bravery of our great ancestors are reviving our historical memory and forming a new civic consciousness." Today, the role of our history with rich cultural heritage is incomparable in perfecting the education of young people, in forming them as high-potential individuals with the necessary knowledge in the future. In the "Appeal" sent by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 29, 2020, "It is the duty of all of us to preserve the rich culture of our cultural heritage, history and to be their worthy heirs" called to study all pages of our history objectively and truthfully.</p>2023-10-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Karimov Azizbek Avazbekovich in Tough Times: Overcome Even the Greatest Challenges with Courage and Confidence2023-08-31T19:00:28+00:00Latifah Shareef<p>The book was written by John C. Maxwell. The book is aimed at leaders facing challenging situations and provides practical strategies and advice on navigating through these situations with courage and confidence.</p> <p>John C. Maxwell is an American author, speaker, coach, and leader who has sold more than 33 million books in fifty languages. He has been called the first business leader and the world's most influential leadership expert. He wrote more than 60 books, and he has an international leadership development organization working to help leaders.</p>2022-08-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Latifah Shareef Alqallaf health and car exhausts2023-08-31T19:07:48+00:00Sanarya Kamal TawfiqSanarya@ym.coKadhum Jody RokanKadhum@ym.coYoussef Shakuri YasinYoussef@ym.coMuhaned Abdulalla<p>Living organisms need different amounts of "heavy metals", such as iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc and selenium. The consumption of these minerals is necessary and important to maintain the metabolism process in the organism's body.</p> <p>Heavy elements are divided into basic elements and non-essential elements, as the basic elements are important for the functioning of enzymes such as Zn++, Mg++, where these elements act as co-factor ions (necessary for cell metabolism in low concentrations), while non-essential heavy elements are toxic to the cell and its components. It can destroy cell components at low concentrations, such as cadmium, Cd, and lead Pb.</p> <p>The danger of heavy metals stems from their ability to accumulate in the bodies of marine organisms such as: fish and crustaceans, and the consumption of large quantities of them that contain high concentrations of heavy metals leads to human poisoning, which is the final consumer of these organisms, which is known as (heavy metal poisoning), where they accumulate within the body faster than being degraded through metabolism or excreted.</p>2022-08-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Sanarya Kamal Tawfiq, Kadhum Jody Rokan, Youssef Shakuri Yasin, Muhaned Abdulalla Al-Azzawy RESPONSIBILITY ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES2021-12-20T12:03:21+00:00Andik Sartikasartika.n@gmail.comDr. Anis Aurora Jillena Ilma Silfiahrossasilfiah@gmail.comAyih Sutarihayih.sutarih07@gmail.comEndang Sutrisnoendangsutrisno94@gmail.comRatu Mawar Kartinaendangsutrisno94@gmail.comFirly Dwi Martianafirlydmartiana@gamil.comElihami Elihamielihamid72@gmail.comTri Suminar Arbarini Nanda Saputri Maulana Ihya Arief Rakhman Arumsari Setyoningrumyunita.setyoningrum@art.maranatha.eduCarina Tjandradipurayunita.setyoningrum@art.maranatha.eduAngel Stefaniyunita.setyoningrum@art.maranatha.eduMelissa Santosoyunita.setyoningrum@art.maranatha.eduRr Johana Nunik Widianti Snunik.prasteyo@gmail.comDr.H.Ali Qamar Wahidinsriyanawahidin380@gmail.comMintarsih Fine Lorethaallfineloretha2904@gmail.comMintarsih Arbariniallfineloretha2904@gmail.comDr. Dian Novita Siswantidhiannovita76@gmail.comNovita Maulidya Wedyawatinellywedyawati@gmail.comWiputra Cendanawiputra.cendana@uph.eduDhyani Widiyantidhyaniarts@gmail.comLayung Paramesti Marthalayungparamesti@gmail.comDan Prasetyo<p>Students’ character development in online classes during a pandemic with integrative media is possible. In this study, we carried the application of the concept of literacy out in primary and junior high schools. The class-action material is in video application-based integrative media with Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)-based English teaching. The content was in sequence and adapted to the COVID-19 period. Teachers and students were very enthusiastic in participating in class actions with the short story video model 'My Hero is You' made by UHAMKA students and English lecturers. Teachers and students have also made media for understanding COVID-19. The response to English and COVID-19 literacy of elementary, and junior high school students and teachers have increased and marked the development of a stronger character in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The creativity of teachers and students is very much beneficial during the pandemic. If we developed English learning strategies in the classroom, students' creativity would increase (Wijirahayu and Ayundhari 2019). Their English learning strategies strongly influenced teachers' beliefs about English learning strategies when studying and applying in their classrooms (Wijirahayu, 2017).</p>2021-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Suciana Wijirahayu